Morristown Makers is a place for our community to build, repair and create together. This may be through woodworking, technology creation, or artistic endeavors. We do this by providing a place where the public can use our tools to complete their pursuit. These may be physical tools like a saw or 3D printer, or it may be the tool of education, encouragement or inspiration.
We can use your help in providing these services to the residents who live in the Morristown area. Your help can be in the form of tool donations, monetary gifts or even volunteering to teach a class that will help our creative community grow.
Morristown Makers is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. You can make a tax-deductible gift through PayPal by using the button below. Or, you can contact us if you would like to make a donation by check or other tangible gift.
Thank you for investing in your community.